NABA Directory of Groups in North America
Inspired/encouraged by teachers from a wide variety of lineages, a very loving community of Dharma study and practice
Aryaloka is a Buddhist Center in New Hampshire, offering weekly classes and retreats. We are part of the Triratna Buddhist Community – an international network of public centers, communities and projects. Our mission is to create the best possible conditions in which to explore and practice the Buddhist path. We study and practice meditation and Buddhadharma in a spiritual community based on the ideals of compassion, generosity, and awareness.
Multi-lineage Zen School with practice groups throughout New England, PA and CA, Temple in Worcester, MA ( and City Center in Cambridge, MA (
The Buddhist Church of San Francisco is a Buddhist temple founded in the Jodo Shinshu school of Pure Land Buddhism (Mahayana). It was established in Japantown in 1898 and initially served Japanese and Japanese Americans in the San Francisco Bay Area. Today, while continuing to honor its Japanese heritage, BCSF celebrates its welcoming spirit as a multi-ethnic, multicultural, and multi-generational community inspired by the teachings of Shinran Shonin.
Pragmatic Buddhism is mindfulness made meaningful for today’s world. When interpreted through the lens of Pragmatic philosophy, the philosophy of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, is a relevant recipe for whole-life development. The progeny of the Buddhist evolution embodied by Chan and Zen, Pragmatic Buddhism (PB) is an empirical, practical, practicable action plan for cultivating situational virtuosity.
Root mentor Shinzen Young, multiple teachers and practices with a focus on inner exploration, celebration and service
DRZC is a diverse group of people who come together to share the practice of meditation, and to study the principles of Buddhism. The purpose of the Center is to offer instruction in Zen practice and Buddhist teachings, and to provide a place where people can form a community that supports Zen practice in everyday life.
ESH Welcomes All . . .
Members, friends, and guests are always welcome at Embracing Simplicity Hermitage (“ESH”) to learn and to meditate. We are exceedingly fortunate to have Venerable Pannavati and Venerable Pannadipa as our resident monks. They are compassionate and wise educators who are dedicated to creating a suitable environment for all practitioners, making the Dhamma available to everyone who seeks it and encouraging them on the Noble Path. They have “westernized” their teachings to bring the Buddha’s words and wisdom to the lay community. Our monks receive no compensation. They are sustained by dana (offerings).

The Everyday Zen Foundation’s mission is to share the Zen attitude, spirit, and practice with the world. It is dedicated to listening to the world, to changing it and being changed by it.
The Buddhist Temple of Toledo is a Soto Zen Buddhist community with the Harada-Yasutani koan introspection tradition offering intensive Zen meditation training and a family-friend neighborhood sangha.
Heartwood Refuge is a multi–lineage retreat center and intentional community; sitting atop a lake is their grand 30-room victorian mansion with 6 additional cabins on grounds. located in Hendersinville, NC; just 30 minutes from Asheville. Their vision is to preserve and transmit the full legacy of Buddhadharma through community.
Rinzai Buddhist sesshin (retreats) and residential training
Group description to come. . .
Mindful Families of Durham (MFD) is a meditation community that supports area parents, caregivers, and their children in the practice of mindfulness and spiritual development.
Rinzai Buddhist sesshin (retreats) and residential training + nonsectarian Regaining Balance Retreats for Women Vetersn w/PTSD
Natural Dharma Fellowship is a Buddhist community that supports the transmission and cultivation of contemplative and ethical practices for a better world.
Teaches Effortless Mindfulness, Direct Inquiry, and Compassion Practices to support awakening. Offers retreats, workshops, evenings of inquiry & online courses in the US and internationally.
NYZCCC offers contemplative caregiver training, support and care through challenging life transitions and Zen Buddhist study and practice.
Buddhist Wisdom in Family, Work & Society
Ngakpa Intl is an international association of Buddhist Yogis founded by Pema Khandro.
Our vibrant community trains in the philosophy and practices of Tibetan Buddhist Yogis,
the non-celibate, life-embracing path of Tibetan Buddhism.
We are members of the Nichiren Order or Nichiren Shu. We follow the teachings of the Eternal Buddha Shakamuni as taught in the Lotus Sutra and of our founder Nichiren Shonin. Our main practice is of chanting the Odaimoku, “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo”, the title of the Lotus Sutra. Through our practice we connect to our innate Buddha Nature that all sentient beings possess. This allows us to live happy, full lives and to reach toward the enlightenment of Buddhahood. Please join us and experience the Buddha’s teaching and joy.
During our morning Service on Sundays, we chant portions of the Lotus Sutra and also chant the Odaimoku (Namu Myoho Renge Kyo). This is a version of the normal daily service practiced by Nichiren Shu practitioners at home. The chapters from the Lotus Sutra are read in the traditional way (Chinese characters with Japanese pronunciation) known as Shindoku. Shindoku literally means faith reading and is a form of meditation in itself; thus, it is not necessary to understand the meaning of the text while we are chanting. We also regularly chant the Sutra in English to develop our understanding. Our Daily Service usually lasts about 40 minutes to 1 hour. The mokusho is used by the leader during chanting to help keep the beat.
Ordinary Mind Zendo was founded in 1996 by Barry Magid, a Dharma heir of Charlotte Joko Beck, and is dedicated to her vision of a psychologically minded Zen practice adapted to the needs of American students practicing in the context of their everyday lives. The zendo is a center for non-residential practice and is committed to the proposition that the Dharma can be fully practiced, realized and transmitted in the midst of lay life.
Patacara Community Services is a faith based nonprofit offering compassionate and respectful care to those who are suffering. We provide services inspired by the philosophy and teachings of Buddhism. We are a nonsectarian, all-volunteer, grassroots community that takes refuge in Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha and values service, generosity, compassion, interdependence, ethical conduct, equanimity, and kindness. Currently our main work is providing supportive services to our homeless neighbors in King County, WA.
The Portland Insight Meditation Community is an experiment in American Buddhism. We welcome people of all faiths, orientations, genders, abilities, ages, and racial/cultural backgrounds. The purpose of PIMC is to improve the lives of participants, their families and the greater community through meditative practice and a lifestyle that supports liberation from suffering, the awakening of wisdom, and the manifestation of compassion.
Samden Ling is dedicated to the: Longchen Nyingthig: Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Practitioners follow the profound teachings and exquisite practices of Longchen Rabjam and Jigme Lingpa. In this Rime (Non Sectarian) Tradition, all interested are welcome to participate.
Our community is dedicated to supporting the development of spiritual friendship among those who wish to experience the benefits of Buddhist practice and meditation and believe that it can make a constructive contribution to the modern world. Our system of practice emphasizes the following spiritual practices in addition to both samatha meditation and vipassana meditation: friendship/sangha, creativity/art, study, and ritual.
The Skillful Meditation Project was founded as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization in 1996 in Southern California. Our purpose is to promote the study, instruction, and practice of meditation through a meditative approach developed by Jason Siff called Recollective Awareness.
Although rooted in Theravada, one of our stated missions is to promote dialogue across Buddhist traditions
The Compassion Network cultivates Buddhist initiatives in the West, including the translation of Buddhist canonical texts from Chinese to English, intrafaith and interfaith work, and sharing the teachings of the Buddha to benefit all beings.
We’re a multilineage center, our teachers study with many traditions.
The Interdependence Project integrates traditional teachings in meditation, ethics, and compassion to enable you to create a harmonious life for yourself and others. Our events are designed to help you unearth the mindful, kind and wise person within, and our training programs provide you with the tools to help others do the same. We offer multi-lineage Buddhist practices without dogma or devotion, to support our modern lives in an interconnected world.
The Mindfulness Bell is a journal of the art of mindful living. To be mindful means to dwell deeply in the present moment, to be aware of what is going on within and around us. Practicing mindfulness cultivates understanding, love, compassion, and joy. This practice helps us to take care of and transform suffering in our lives and in our society.
Village Zendo is a Soto Zen practice center originally located in the apartment of Enkyo Pat O’Hara, who founded the zendo in 1986. Formerly located in a red brick building, the Zen center took up the majority of space in O’Hara’s apartment. The center has since moved to its new location on Broadway in New York City.
Wildmind’s mission is to benefit the world by promoting mindfulness and compassion through the practice of Buddhist meditation.
Wildmind is run by Bodhipaksa, a Buddhist teacher and author who has been practicing within the Triratna Buddhist Community since 1982 and has been a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order since 1993.
Group and Solo retreats for the cultivation of awakening innate love, wisdom, and compassion. Tibetan Buddhist lineage with invitation to all forms of contemplative practice.