More than 1,500 Buddhists have signed the Buddhists for Racial Justice open letters since 2015. Buddhists for Racial Justice as a North American Buddhist Alliance endeavor is now ready for its next phase. More about plans for transitioning Buddhists for Racial Justice into North American Buddhist Alliance here and here. NABA is committed to following-through and facilitating resources toward each set of "calls to action" in the two open letters.

After the recent resoundingly positive Zoom calls with white Buddhists and POC Buddhists, both groups will continue with regular meetings.
The recent call registrants are about 10% of the signatories; they demonstrated their commitment to Buddhists for racial justice
with a generosity of spirit, conviction, and can-do attitude -- really walking the talk!
Schedules will be announced once determined.
Subscribe to NABA News or email Info @ NorthAmericanBuddhistAlliance. org to receive updates.
NABA will work on getting increasingly larger numbers of Buddhists for racial justice supporters involved.

Embedded here are the recordings from both the white Buddhists and POC Buddhists Zoom calls.

The white Buddhists offered advice and recommendations to each other.
We will try to collect sangha efforts to become more inclusive, including lessons learned, curriculum, training, templates.

The POC call resulted in the following action plan:

  1. Expand Resources and Opportunities Listing
    Please email Info @ NorthAmericanBuddhistAlliance .org resources not here:
  2. Expand Directory of POC Teachers and Diversity Trainers
    NABA's list of POC Teachers in the Resources and Opportunities Listing is now up.
    Please add to this list and identify who are diversity trainers if you know.
    Also have a very (very) short list of white Dharma teachers who are diversity trainers or who explore white dominance and racism,
    please send names and contact information.
  3. More Learning and Educational Opportunities
    NABA's Gender and Race in a New Era webinars will continue into 2018, featuring Buddhist teachers across traditions.
    Please expect details soon on the next webinar and RSVP.
  4. Working Committees
    Everyone is invited to join the following committees intended
    to implement "the Calls" in the Buddhists for Racial Justice open letters
    and borrowed in part from the Buddhist Peace Fellowship social engagement framework
    so that we may together commit to doable action.
    Do note working committees that are POC only. And do offer your support for more POC leadership.

Please email  Info @ NorthAmericanBuddhistAlliance. org to join a committee, recommend one, or receive updates about one or more.

Keep in mind that some of these committees overlap.

Looking forward to the day when white Buddhists and POC Buddhists come together, as one collective of multiplicities for racial justice.

Volunteers Needed
Until then, NABA and its Buddhists for Racial Justice initiative need volunteers and resources in
website development, SEO and social media, fundraising and finances, PR and editing, multimedia production.
Please let NABA know if you or someone you know can help. Info @ NorthAmericanBuddhistAlliance. org