Myokei Caine-Barrett , Shonin
Nichiren Shu
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During our morning Service on Sundays, we chant portions of the Lotus Sutra and also chant the Odaimoku (Namu Myoho Renge Kyo). This is a version of the normal daily service practiced by Nichiren Shu practitioners at home. The chapters from the Lotus Sutra are read in the traditional way (Chinese characters with Japanese pronunciation) known as Shindoku. Shindoku literally means faith reading and is a form of meditation in itself; thus, it is not necessary to understand the meaning of the text while we are chanting. We also regularly chant the Sutra in English to develop our understanding. Our Daily Service usually lasts about 40 minutes to 1 hour. The mokusho is used by the leader during chanting to help keep the beat.
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