Directory of POC Teachers in North America

Name Location Affiliation
Adam Asare Bethesda, MD Insight Meditation Center Washington
Aleeze Moss Philadelphia, PA MBSR
Andrea Castillo Insight Meditation Center
Venerable Ani Losang Tendrol Fairfax, VA Guhyasamaja Center
Anil Singh-Morales Bellevue, WA Spiritual Directors International
Rev. angel Kyodo Williams, Berkeley, CA Founder and Fellow, Transformative Change
Angela Dews New York, New York New York Insight Meditation Center
Angelia Bell Toledo, OH none
Anushka Fernandopulle San Francisco, CA Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Ashin U Wilatha Woodside, NY Sangha
Ayya Tathaaloka Theri Sonoma County, CA Founder and Preceptor, Dhammadharini Sangha
Bang Nguyen Richmond, CA East Bay Meditation Center
Bhante Buddharakkhita Highview, WV Bhavana Society
Blanca Arias San Marcos, CA Thich Nhat Hahn
Bonnie Duran Seattle, WA People of Color and Allies Sangha
Bruni Dávila Vipassana and Zen
Carol cano San Francisco, CA East bay meditation center
Chade Meng
Rev. Charles Isen Weaverling Cordova, AK Pathless Way Cordova Zen Community
Constance Clark Tampa, FL
Dalila Bothwell New York, NY New York Insight Meditation Center
Venerable Thubten Damcho Newport, WA Sravasti Abbey
DaRa Williams Inisght Meditation Society
Dawa Phillips Santa Barbara, CA
Dawn Scott Woodacre, CA Spirit Rock
De Hong Rosemead, CA Engaged Buddhist Alliance
Devin Berry Oakland, CA East Bay Meditation Center
Doyeon Park NY Won Buddhism of Manhattan
Ed Ng Decolonized Buddhism
Emily Hsu CA
Dr. Kritee Priest and Sensei , Boundless in Motion Zen Community
Dr. Funie Hsu San Jose, CA Buddhist Peace Fellowship and Foguangshan
George Mumford
Geshe Lobsang Ngodup Elmhurst, NY Sera Jey Buddhist Culture Center
Gina Sharpe New York, NY New York Insight
Rev. Guo Cheen Seattle, WA North American Buddhist Alliance, The Compassion Network
Gretchen Rohr The Project for Integrating Spirituality, Law and Politics and Insight Meditation Community of Washington
Hun Lye, Dorjé Lopön Asheville, NC Drikung Kagyu/Urban Dharma North Carolina
Rev. Inryu Bobbi Ponce-Barger Washington DC Soto Zen, All Beings Zen Sangha Washington DC
Isupreme Allah Atlanta, GA
Jan Willis
Dr. Jane Naomi Iwamura Rosemead, CA University of the West
Jeanne Corrigal Saskatoon, Canada MBSR
Jennifer Hawkins Secular Buddhist Association
Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey Vipassana Hawai’i
JoAnna Hardy Los Angeles, CA Against the Stream
John Mifsud Oakland, CA Spirit Rock Meditation Center, East Bay Meditation Center, Alphabet Brothers of Colors
Jozen Gibson Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn Zen Center
Kaira Jewel
Kamala Masters Kula, HI Vipassana Metta Foundation
Kamilah F. Majied, Ph.D. Associate Professor, School of Social Work Howard University
Karen Mori Ann Arbor, MI Deep Spring
Karen Nelson Villanueva San Francisco, CA Tse Chen Ling Center for Tibetan Buddhist Studies
Karin Weyland (Joy Chanan Atma Kaur) CA Insight meditation
khiet dang Falls Church, VA Giac Hoang Temple
Rev. Keiryu Lien Shutt San Francisco CA Access to Zen
Rev. Dr. Kenji Akahoshi San Diego, CA. Buddhist Temple of San Diego
Kimi Mojica Oakland, CA East Bay Meditation Center
Konda Mason Oakland,CA East Bay Meditation Center, Spirit Rock Meditation Center
La Sarmiento Insight Meditation Community of Washington
Lama Rod Owens Cambridge, MA Natural Dharma Fellowship
Larry Yang Oakland, CA East Bay Meditation Center
Leslie Booker Santa Monica, CA Engaged Mindfulness Institute
Lisa Moore El Cerrito, CA East Bay Meditation Center
LiZhen Wang Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Lori Wong Modesto, CA Insight Meditation Central Valley
Losang Tendrol Reston, VA Guhyasamaja Center
M. Jamil Scott Fresno, CA I.O.B.M., UU Church of Fresno
Margaret Wheeler Manhattan, KS Kwan Um School of Zen
Margarita Loinaz Mill Valley, CA East Bay Meditation Center, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Dzogchen student under Lama Drimed Norbu
Mark Jones Seattle, WA Rime
Mary Ann Chang Washington, DC Mahayana Sutra and Tantra Center
Matthew Hepburn Brattleboro, VT Vermont Insight Meditation Center
MIA Sykes CA Yoga In The Hood
Mushim Oakland, CA East Bay Meditation Center
Myokei Shonin Houston, TX Nichiren
nakawe cuebas NY
Neesha Patel San Francisco, CA UCLA, UC Davis
Nina La Rosa South Burlington, VT Exquisite Mind, Basic Mindfulness, University of Vermont
Nina Nagy New Canaan New York Insight
Noliwe Alexander Oakland, CA East Bay Meditation Center, Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Rev. Noriaki Ito Los Angeles, CA Higashi Honganji USA HQ
Pamela Ayo Yetunde
pamela freeman PA Philadelphia POC group
Ven. Pannavati Hendersonville, NC Heartwood Refuge
Phe Bach Sacramento, CA Vietnamese Buddhist Association of Sacramento
Ralph Steele Santa Fe, NM Life Transition Meditation Center
Rashmi Nair-Ripley Falls Church, VA Insight Meditation Community of Washington, Diamond Approach DC2, Take a Moment Coaching
Ray Nakano MN Earth Holder Sangha
Rebecca Li New Jersey, NJ Dharma Drum Retreat Center, New York
Ajahn Ritthi Woodinville, WA Atammayatarama Buddhist Monastery
Rev. Ronald Kobata San Francisco, CA Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha / Buddhist Churches of America
Roxanne Dault Ottawa, ON, Canada True North Insight
Ruben Habito Dallas, TX Maria Kannon Zen Center
Ruth King Founder, Mindful Members Practice Community, Charlotte, NC and Insight Meditation Community of Washington
Sa Sa VeganAhimsa Ananda Milwaukee, WI kundalini yoga & meditation teacher
Sanjay Bisht East Lansing, MI Outside mid michigan mindful movement
Satya de la Paz Oakland, CA East Bay Meditation Center
Sean Feit Oakland, CA East Bay Meditation Center, Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Sebene Selassie Spirit Rock
Shahara Godfrey Oakland, CA East Bay Meditation Center
Shastri Charlene Leung Berkeley, CA Shambhala International
Susana Renaud Oakland, CA Casa del Corazón
Tanya Bonner NY Buddhist Action Coalition
Rev. TK Nakagaki New York, NY Buddhist Council of New York
Tara Mulay San Francisco, CA Mission Dharma
Ven. Tashi Nyima Dallas, TX New Jonang Buddhist Community
Teja Fudo Myoo Bell CA Hollow Bones Rinzai Zen Order
Tenzin Chodron Eugene, OR Drikung Kagyu lineage
Teresa Abdala-Romano Santa Monica, CA InsightLa
Tracy Stewart Seattle, WA Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Sayadaw U Thuzana San Jose, CA Tathagata Meditation Center
Tsering Ngodup Yodsampa Lexington MA Bodhi Tree Institute
Tuere Sala Seattle, WA Seattle Insight Meditation Society
Vance Pryor Sayadaw U Pandita and Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Viveka Chen San Francisco, CA Triratna Buddhist Community
Wendy Egyoku Nakao Los Angeles, CA Zen Center of Los Angeles
Wildeecy de Fatima Jury Oakland, CA EBMC
WonGong So Chapel Hill, NC Won-Buddhism of North Carolina
Ven. Yifa Woodenfish Project
Yong Oh Chattanooga, TN Southern Dharma Retreat Center
Rev. Zenju Earthlyn Manuel