In the world as we find it today, the ancient is needed more now than ever. NABA will help the wider Sangha connect with each other by providing a platform for quickly and easily seeing what programs and offerings being held across the country.
In the 2015 International Dharma Teachers Gathering held at Omega institute in New York, the issues of diversity, environmental destruction, and the dance of traditional and emergent forms of Buddhism and Dharma practice were counted amongst the important themes. And, another theme that many of us found inspiring in the Buddhist teachers in North America is a sincere interest in learning from multiple Buddhist traditions.
NABA is one of the direct results of this conference, and the community I serve at the Buddhist Temple of Toledo is delighted to participate in this important and timely effort.
— Jay Rinsen Weik Sensei,
Abbot of the Great Heartland Sangha Buddhist Temple of Toledo