Dharma and Race
A Q&A with angel Kyodo williams |
http://www.lionsroar.com/beyond-privilege-qa-angel-kyodo-williams/ |
Access to Zen (Liên Shutt) |
http://www.accesstozen.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Got-White-Rice.pdf |
Against the Stream |
https://www.againstthestream.org/community/ |
Angry Asian Buddhist |
http://www.angryasianbuddhist.com/ |
Ann Gleig article: Dukkha of Racism |
http://www.patheos.com/blogs/americanbuddhist/2016/01/the-dukkha-of-racism-racial-inclusion-and-justice-in-american-convert-buddhism.html |
Berkeley Zen Center |
http://berkeleyzencenter.org/ethics-guidelines/ |
Brooklyn Zen Center |
https://brooklynzen.org/about/inclusivity/ |
Buddhadharma issue SUM2016 (not all articles currently web available , future search on Lion's Roar archives) |
http://ruthking.net/2016/06/05/being-mindful-of-race/ |
Buddhist Insight Network: Multiculturalism in Buddhist Insight Sanghas: |
http://www.buddhistinsightnetwork.org/sites/default/files/pdfs/Multiculturalism%20in%20Insight%20Meditation.pdf |
Buddhist Peace Fellowship |
http://www.buddhistpeacefellowship.org/ |
Buddhist Statement on Racial Justice |
https://jackkornfield.com/statement-on-racism-from-buddhist-teachers-leaders-in-the-united-states/ |
Dharma Ocean |
https://www.dharmaocean.org/about/inclusivity/ |
East Bay Sangha |
http://www.eastbaymeditation.org/ |
El Latinismo y sus Bellos Colores: Voices of Latina and Latino Buddhists |
http://shambhalanetwork.org/sandbox3/index.php?file=2013/05/tw-el_latinismo_y_sus_bellos_colores.pdf |
Greg Snyder "Four Ways to Connect With Your Community" |
http://www.lionsroar.com/four-ways-to-connect-with-your-community |
Jan Willis "We Cry Out For Justice" |
http://www.lionsroar.com/cry-justice/ |
Lama Rod Owens |
http://lamarod.com/ |
Latin@/x Buddhist sangha development |
http://wisdomquarterly.blogspot.com/2015/07/latin-buddhism-in-los-angeles.html |
Lions Roar:Race & Diversity Archives |
http://www.lionsroar.com/tag/race,diversity/ |
Making the Invisible Visible (PDF scanned) |
http://www.accesstozen.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/MakingTheInvisibleVisible.pdf |
Mindfulness Peace Building, Roots Retreat |
http://www.mindfulpeacebuilding.org/ |
Mushim Patricia Ikeda (great resource of teachings, talks) |
http://www.mushimikeda.com |
New York Insight: Sangha and Diversity |
https://www.nyimc.org/sangha-diversity/ |
Ruth King |
http://ruthking.net/ |
Ryuman Hilda Gutierrez Baldoquin |
http://www.twostreamszen.org/dharma-color-and-culture/ http://awakeningbuddhistwomen.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-business-beneath-patch-robe.html |
San Francisco Zen Center |
http://www.sfzc.org/community/practice-groups |
Shambala Diversity Resources Page |
http://shambhala.org/community/diversity-in-shambhala/diversity-resources-2/ |
Soul of Gratitude: Retreat for People of Color II |
http://deerpark.libsyn.com/soul_of_gratitude_retreat_for_people_of_color_part_ii |
Starting the Conversation: Buddhism and Race Conference at Harvard Divinity School (2015) |
http://pluralism.org/research-report/buddhism-and-race-conference-at-harvard-divinity-school/ |
The Village Zendo |
https://villagezendo.org/about-us/ |
Triangle Insight: Racial Affinity Groups |
http://triangleinsight.org/racial-affinity/ |
Tricycle Archives |
http://tricycle.org/searchpage/?q=archives&cx=005201521681940513761:vzjqa03hgl8&ie=ISO-8859-1&cof=FORID:10&sa= |
Why We Can't Breathe |
http://www.lionsroar.com/cant-breathe/ |
"Yes, We're Buddhist Too!" |
http://www.linsroar.com/yes-were-buddhist-too/ |
Zenju Earthlynn Manuel |
http://zenju.org/ |
Learning and Action Resources – Not Specifically Buddhist |
Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice |
http://www.bendthearc.us |
Changing the Race Dance: An InterPlay workshop |
http://interplay.org/ |
Colorlines |
http://www.colorlines.com/ |
Gregg Deal: Pyramid Lake Paiute Indigenous activist artist |
http://greggdeal.com |
Ian Haney Lopez website and article: Race and Economic Injustice for All: A framing paper for defeating dog whistle politics |
http://www.ianhaneylopez.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/race_and_economic_jeopardy_framing_paper.pdf |
Indian Country Today |
http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com |
Latin@/x and Race |
http://www.raulquinones.com |
Movement for Black Lives statement |
https://policy.m4bl.org/ |
Prof. John a. Powell: othering and belonging |
http://www.otheringandbelonging.org |
Repairers of the Breach (Rev. William Barber) |
http://www.breachrepairers.org/ |
Sojourners |
https://sojo.net/ |
Stir Fry Seminars and Consulting: Innovative Tools for Diversity Training |
http://www.stirfryseminars.com |
The Sistah Vegan Project |
http://www.sistahvegan.com/ |
The Untraining: Healing Personal & Social Oppressions |
http://untraining.org |
Unitarian Universalist Association: Racial Justice and Multicultural Ministries |
http://www.uua.org/multiculturalism |
World Trust |
http://world-trust.org/ |
Catalyst Project (not specifically Buddhist) |
http://collectiveliberation.org/ |
Get Home Safely: 10 Rules of Survival (video -must watch, not specifically Buddhist) |
https://vimeo.com/116706870 |
Hackman Consulting Group (not specifically Buddhist) |
http://www.hackmanconsultinggroup.org/about/ |
one (of several) free resources from Catalyst is Love, Race & Liberation: “Til the White Day is Done: |
http://collectiveliberation.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/love,race,%20liberation.pdf |
One Thousand Arms |
http://onethousandarms.net/who-we-are/ |
Quaker Resources (obviously not specifically Buddhist!) |
http://www.nyym.org/witness/blackconc/resourceracjus.pdf |
Rev. Jim Wallis (not specifically Buddhist) |
https://sojo.net/biography/jim-wallis |
Shelly Tochluk (not specifically Buddhist) |
http://shellytochluk.com/living-in-the-tension/ |
Show Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) (has SURJ Faith page – not necessarily Buddhist) |
http://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/about |
White Awake (interfaith) |
https://whiteawake.org |
CALL TO POC links |
Racial Equity Tools (not specifically Buddhist) |
https://www.racialequitytools.org/home |
Soka Gakkai International _USA |
http://www.sgi-usa.org/ |
Tribal Equity Toolkit: Tribal Resolutions and Codes to support Two Spirit and LGBT justice in Indian Country (not specifically Buddhist) |
https://graduate.lclark.edu/programs/indigenous_ways_of_knowing/tribal_equity_toolkit/, |