The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism has been relentless in its efforts to pioneer Buddhism on new ground.
In contributing to the U.S. Mahasangha through the Dharma of racial awareness,
the Lenz Foundation grants North American Buddhist Alliance’s American Buddhists for Racial Justice initiative $9,000 in funds.
Led by women and people of color Buddhists, NABA hopes to elevate the level of racial awareness for at least 3,000 Buddhists in the United States this year.

The mission of NABA’s American Buddhists for Racial Justice initiative is to maintain
a multi-lineage, multi-racial infrastructure and a national, online platform that supports, coordinates, and increases visibility of a diverse array of projects –
within multiple sanghas and traditions – that focus on racial equity within Buddhist communities and racial justice in the U.S.A.

More specifically, the objectives for NABA's American Buddhists for Racial Justice initiative in 2018 will be to:

North American Buddhist Alliance, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that shares Dharma resources across Buddhist traditions,
aims to foster inclusive and equitable collaboration, communication, and interaction among Buddhists and Buddhist groups.
As a next step, NABA invites all Buddhists across the region to join the blessed opportunities to connect as a larger collective
and intentionally organize ourselves on this profound path to liberation.
Let us come together in a Mahasangha that is truly inclusive and through this call to justice we heal, discover and, bridge,
thus manifesting a fuller expression of the Buddhadharma.