Thank you to the 20-plus of you who joined North American Buddhist Alliance's first online conference. It was one-third of the 60 registrants who showed interest, but we had just about as many traditions from the United States and Canada.

The call was also enough to learn about how some Buddhists and Buddhist groups value the opportunities to network and interact across the North American region because there may be very few Buddhists in their area. The call was enough to connect those who are in closer proximity to each other, such as the Southwest region or the Southeast region, and those interested in more in-person activities and possibly their local Buddhist network. The call was certainly enough for some Bodhisattvas to appear out of the blue and volunteer. And the call was enough for NABA to learn that Buddhist participants on this call would like to pursue more online calls on the following topics:

  1. Ways to reach out and connect with more Buddhists across North America
    (2/28/16 Tuesday, 5 - 7 PM PST);loudspeaker-33944__340
  2. Ways to collaborate on substantive issues such as around the topics of race, gender, climate change, and others
    (3/14/16 Tuesday, 5 - 7 PM PST);
  3. Ways for Buddhists to be a presence, collectively or otherwise, in interfaith endeavors
    (3/28/16 Tuesday, 5 - 7 PM PST);
  4. Ways to share the Dharma, such as online webinars by Dharma teachers, articles by those with specific interest and expertise (4/4/16 Tuesday, 5 - 7 PM PST).

NABA will host these calls during spring 2017. Become a NABA member and subscribe to NABA News for upcoming details about these calls. Please email if you have questions or suggestions.