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3/20 Webinar: Peace and Peace Building
March 22, 2019@8:00 am/5:00 pm PDT
RSVP today for Peace and Peace Building: through the lens of Buddhist social action:
Block // Build // Be: a Path to Collective Liberation
March 20, 2018 starting 11 AM PST / 2 PM EST with Katie Loncke and LiZhen Wang, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, their special guest Shubha Bala.

The Dharma is a path of freedom, not just for each of us individually, but for all of us collectively.
Throughout the Buddha's teachings, we may find signposts guiding us toward liberation, such as the Bodhisattva vows,
the first of which is the promise to liberate all sentient beings, innumerable as we are.
Or in the Karaniya Metta Sutta: The Buddha's Words on Loving-kindness, the Buddha says,
"Even as a mother protects with her life her child, her only child,
so with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings, radiating kindness over the entire world."
If collective liberation is our north star, how then do we get there?
At Buddhist Peace Fellowship, we follow the Block // Build // Be model as our journey guide:
- We vow to Block harm and oppression.
- We strive to Build inspiring alternatives.
- We commit to Being in alignment with the values we hold dear.
We need all three of these strategies for change to happen -- Block Build and Be -- and we’re interested in finding ways they can support each other, not be in opposition.
In this webinar, we will explore contemporary examples of how BPF-ers and other Buddhists are organizing for racial justice, invoking all three energies of Block Build and Be:
- Buddhists applying nonviolent direct actions to stop police militarization
- Diasporic Asians decolonizing sangha spaces
- Buddhists in the US working in solidarity with indigenous-led campaigns for sovereignty.
Breaking it down through the Block Build Be lens, we'll examine how our spiritual practice can support us in building peace in the world,
and we'll get rigorous about putting our dharma into action.
Webinar registration here: