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Nov. 20: Joint Buddhists for Racial Justice Call
November 20, 2018@11:00 am/1:00 pm PST
Quarterly racial justice calls open to all. Looking forward to joint learning, practicing, and taking of action based on the Dharma of impartiality.
For November 20th, both POC and white facilitators will lead the call, inviting into query about internal struggles and external best practices.
2. To see:
a. ask for the stories behind his/her/their emotions.
b. watch for signs of nuggets (i.e., "more to the story").
c. verify with your conversation partner if you're understanding right.
3. To show love: demonstrate empathy and interest in core values and deeper meaning.
We would love it if you can commit to being on the entire call so that everyone may be fully immersed,
though we understand you have busy lives and may not have two hours on November 20th, so just come and go as unobstrusively as you can.
Register here for 2018 & 2019 calls:
A truly diverse group of Buddhists committed to anti-racism joined NABA's last call on Sept. 18 led by the POCs.
Here are some comments from our hopeful participants:
“AMAZING! Thanks so much.”
“Thank you, so much.”
“Yes, yes, yes...”
“Thank you so much. So grateful!”
“All good questions”
“How to get others to start internal work.”
“I would love to be part of the group.”
“It was wonderful to be on yesterday's NABA call with all of you. After the call ended, I could feel a renewed sense of energy for my dharma work!”
“Building safe enough sanghas can happen!”
“I am grateful to this group and to the multiracial call we just had with the POC group. I felt growth, hope and heart opening after the call.”
Watch for follow-up action items that resulted from this call!
RSVP Here for Quarterly 2018 & 2019
Racial Justice Calls Open to All
11 AM - 1 PM PST / 2 - 4 PM EST